Age-Appropriate Training

We offer training for children, teens, and adults. Our goal is to provide exceptional training geared towards each age group.

Thumbs Up!

Ages 4+

Tiny Tigers
Our children's taekwondo program is an ideal activity as it reinforces positive social skills in addition to the physical skills for fun, healthy exercise and self-defense.

Learn about Tiny Tigers
Tiny Tigers


Taekwondo: It's all about action. Plus, learning new skills within a supportive peer group helps teens to blossom into confident individuals that pay attention to their health and safety...the foundation for an amazing life.

Learn about Taekwondo
Taekwondo Sparring


Yongmudo is...
...kicks, strikes, throws, falls, rolls, joint-locks, and submission wrestling. Whatever it takes to get safe and stay safe.

Learn more about Yongmudo  
Wrist Throw

Other Activities

We occasionally offer other health-, safety-, and educational-related activities for the community.

Learn More

Read about our vision, mission, and history and how we fit within the fabric of our community.

Learn more about MSMAP  

Safety is Important

We believe that a little knowledge goes a long way to a happy, fulfilling life. We routinely teach participants effective communication, behavior, and action to ensure personal safety. Occasionally, we offer self-defense workshops for teens and adults. Check out these resources for more information:

Bullies & Bullying

Bullying does not have to be an accepted experience of childhood. Learn more of what bullying is and how to deal effectively with it.

Read MSMAP's Bully FAQ

Teen Dating Violence

Violence can take several forms. Learn to recognize, prevent, and deal with TDV. Help is available. Essential for parents.


“Standing up for yourself doesn't have to mean embracing violence.”

-Shane Koyczan

A cornerstone of our program is learning to RESPECT ourselves and other people. We encourage children, teens, and adults to celebrate their own uniqueness and individuality along with that of others through cooperative training activities.

We also emphasize developing positive training habits — including social skills — to help become much healthier and happier individuals.

 Learn More About MSMAP  


Our mission is empowering children, teens, and adults with self-confidence and self-respect through self-training, self-discipline, and self-defense so that they have essential tools to succeed in whatever they choose: school, sports, work, more.

MSMAP offers and participates in a variety of other activities related to fun, health, and safety including competitions and self-defense workshops.

In The News
Recommended Resources
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