Children & Martial Arts

Learn more about how your children can develop successful habits through participation in martial arts — beginning with confidence, discipline and a positive attitude.

It’s a Fantastic, Healthy Activity.

Martial arts training, and especially the training found with MSMAP, is an excellent activity for children to move around and learn how to be aware of their bodies.

They not only develop coordination, balance, and agility, but they also learn positive social skills through challenging exercises and games closely linked with good manners.


It has Many Positive Results.

In addition to a safe environment, the Mount Shasta Martial Arts Program (MSMAP) strives to create a supportive and rewarding environment that invigorates the participants and refreshes their outlook towards many areas of their lives.

Training with MSMAP enables participants to develop a positive attitude when facing challenges at home, school, everywhere...and achieve really big things.

Ben Franklin's Advice on Educating Children
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Benjamin Franklin





How can we teach our children not to be angry?

Dalai Lama's Advice on Parent Example
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Dalai Lama




Plato's Advice on teaching children
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In The News
Recommended Resources
Fundraising Help
Get Safe, Be Safe, Stay Safe

Be Confident, Be Smart, Be Safe
A self-defense workshop for teen & pre-teen girls — and their mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, friends. Learn effective strategies for getting safe, being safe, and staying safe. It’s not all about physical defense either; verbal and emotional defense skills are equally important.

What are “The 5 S’s”?
These are five steps identified by Dr. Ken Min as key elements towards becoming successful martial artists and, more importantly, successful individuals.

TKD Children Info

A Wonderful Journey Towards Excellence
Taekwondo is an excellent way for children — both boys and girls — to develop lifelong habits and methods for achieving excellence and success in whatever they choose to do. We use a unique, structured combination of discipline, respect, high energy enthusiasm, and good manners.

Taekwondo & Self-Defense

Learn how to be safe
What are some of the techniques and strategies helpful against bullies and worse? Learn a few things...


Start now to be “Bully-Proof”
Learn the what, why, and how of becoming “bully proof” and living a much more confident, healthy, enjoyable life.


Join the action — it’s easy.
We offer the most comprehensive and effective martial arts training — and value — around. Find out for yourself!


The future is filled with opportunity
We help our participants create their own good luck; to lead enriching lives; to be healthy, happy, safe... and ACHIEVE REALLY BIG THINGS. Learn more...

Photos of the Tiny Tigers in ACTION!