Taekwondo space Yongmudo
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Timeline of Events & Activities

2014 Shady Creek Activity Sessions – Little People, Big Action! (Jun/Jul/Aug);
4th of July Race/Walk Demonstration : 8th year in a row! (Jul);
Fund Raiser at the Fish Hatchery : down to one this year due to whirling disease. Yikes! (Jun);
UC Open Taekwondo Championships : A few medals and a lot of competition. (Apr);
Redding Invitational : Another trip down I-5 for a great local event. (Apr);
Taekwondo Promotion Exams : Exams for both teens and children. (Mar/Apr);
UC Davis Team Training : A chance to learn high-level training methods. (Mar);
MSE Activity Reward : Classroom w/ best cumulative attendance wins! (Jan);
2014 7th Open House & Holiday Food Drive : Less time, more prizes, big action! (Dec);
Redding Invitational : Taekwondo tournament close to home! (Nov);
MSE Activity Reward : high-action for the class w/ the best cumulative attendance for Sep/Oct. (Nov);
9th UC Yongmudo Champ’s & 3rd UC Multi-Martial Arts Challenge : Lots of action! (Oct);
Yongmudo Promotion Exam : A first yongmudo exam for taekwondo people. (Oct);
Chuseok (“Korean Thanksgiving”) : Most food ever, great demo, and $335 for senior meals! (Sep);
Shady Creek Activity Sessions – Little People, Big Action! (Jun/Jul/Aug);
Fund Raisers at the Fish Hatchery (Jun/Jul/Aug);
4th of July Parade : 2nd time out in front of the community to celebrate the holiday (Jul);
4th of July Race/Walk Demonstration : 7th year in a row! (Jul);
Martial Arts Mini-Camp – a partnership with the Mt. Shasta Rec & Parks District (Jul);
Demo at the Siskiyou Arts Bus Open House : Big group witnesses Vitaliy receive his black belt. (May);
Black Belt Promotion Exam : Vitaliy tests for black belt at U.C. Berkeley. (May);
UC Open Taekwondo Championships : Seven silver and four bronze medals — and lots of action! (April);
Taekwondo Winter Promotion Exam : A combination of core skills and the unexpected! (Mar);
2013 6th MSMAP Open House & Holiday Food Drive : Lots of action, prizes & food. (Dec);
8th UC Yongmudo Champ’s & 2nd UC Multi-Martial Arts Challenge : Big day, Big Fun. (Oct);
Chuseok (“Korean Thanksgiving”) : more great food, great demo, and $300 to help seniors in-need. (Sep);
Yongmudo Promotion Exam : Kicks, strikes, throws, falls, joint-locks. Anything else? (Sep);
Taekwondo Summer Promotion Exam : Only two boys participated. A Grrl Power event. (Aug);
Fund Raisers at the Fish Hatchery (Jun/Jul/Aug);
Safe Dating 101 : Self-Defense for Young Women (and their mothers, fathers, friends) (Jul);
Demo at the Castle Street Stage : Big Music, Big Action during the Street Fair (Jul);
4th of July Parade : 1st time ever — big fun! (Jul);
4th of July Race/Walk Demonstration : 6th year in a row! (Jul);
Martial Arts Mini-Camp – a partnership with the Mt. Shasta Rec & Parks District (Jul);
Upward Bound Summer Academy : 3rd year running — taekwondo, fitness, & self-defense. (Jun/Jul);
Demonstration @ Weed Elementary : including food samples from Andaman Thai Restaurant. (May);
MSE Activity Reward : a reward for the classes with the best cumulative attendance. (May);
UC Open Taekwondo Championships : three gold; three silver; four bronze medals (May);
Taekwondo Winter Promotion Exam : A nice mix of young children, pre-teens, & teens. (Mar);
2012 5th MSMAP Open House & Holiday Food Drive : best MSMAP Open House & food drive...ever! (Dec);
Taekwondo Technique Clinic : Master Brian Wright (6th dan) visits from GWU in Washington, DC. (Dec);
7th UC Yongmudo Champ’s & 1st UC Multi-Martial Arts Challenge : Big day, Big Event, Big Results. (Oct);
Chuseok (“Korean Thanksgiving”) : great food, great demo, and $275 to help seniors in-need. (Sep);
MSE/Sisson After-School Program : starting the school year with a healthy dose of “Bully-Proofing”! (Sep-Dec);
Summer Promotion Exams for both taekwondo & yongmudo (Aug);
Fund Raisers at the Fish Hatchery (Jun/Jul/Aug);
Martial Arts Mini-Camp – a partnership with the Mt. Shasta Rec & Parks District (Jul);
4th of July Race/Walk Demonstration : 5th year in a row! (Jul);
Demo at the Castle Street Stage : Big Music, Big Action during the Street Fair (Jul);
4th of July   S P E C T A C U L A R ! back-to-back-to-back demonstrations on main street (Jul);
Upward Bound Summer Program : high school students learn taekwondo (and a little yongmudo) (Jun/Jul);
MSE Lunchtime Activity : 60 children enjoy a special activity session (May);
Demonstration : International Festival at City Park (Apr);
UC Open Taekwondo Championships : three gold; one silver; nine bronze medals (Apr);
Taekwondo Winter Promotion Exam : Our largest turnout ever — 27 people! (Mar);
MSE/Sisson After-School Program : helping children get healthy with discipline & exercise. (Jan-May);
2011 4th MSMAP Open House & Holiday Food Drive : demos, food collection, gifts (Dec);
Martial Arts for Adults : new activity program at the Dunsmuir Resource Center (Nov);
MSE After-School Martial Arts Activity Program : for Sisson & MSE students (Oct/Nov);
Demonstrations: : Mt. Shasta Elementary & Sisson Middle Schools (Oct);
UC Yongmudo Championships : gold; three bronze ; “Best Male Competitor” (Oct);
Yongmudo Promotion Exam (Oct);
Chuseok (“Korean Thanksgiving”) with the seniors at City Park (Sep);
Fund Raisers at the Fish Hatchery (Jun/Jul/Aug);
Summer Taekwondo Promotion Exam (Aug);
Martial Arts Mini-Camps – a partnership with the Mt. Shasta Rec & Parks District (Jul/Aug);
4th of July Race/Walk Demonstration : fourth year in a row! (Jul);
4th of July Weekend  E X T R A V A G A N Z A ! back-to-back-to-back demonstrations on main street (Jul);
UC Open Taekwondo Championships : three gold; seven silver; one bronze medals (Apr);
Presentation : Sharing business lessons with young entreprenueurs (Apr);
Upward Bound : MSMAP added to the Summer 2011 schedule at COS! (Mar);
Taekwondo Winter Promotion Exam : Our largest turnout ever — 24 people! (Feb);
More “Serious” Taekwondo for Children : expanded hours (Jan);
“Run & Laugh” : Big Fun for Tiny Bodies, a unique preschool activity program begins (Jan);
Golden Eagle Charter School : MSMAP becomes a vendor for GECS (Jan);
2010 3rd MSMAP Open House & Food Drive : demos, food collection, raffle prizes, black belt award (Dec);
Black Belt Promotion Exam : Griffin tests for black belt at U.C. Berkeley (Dec);
Demonstration: Castle Rock Elementary School (Nov);
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony : The official opening at our new location (Oct);
New “Try It At Lunch” Program : MSMAP helps educate children at MSE (Sep);
New Location : We move to a new and convenient location! (Aug);
Fund Raisers at the Fish Hatchery (Jun/Jul/Aug);
Taekwondo Summer Promotion Exam (Aug);
ShastaYama : MSMAP offers a spectacular opening for the 6th Annual Taiko concert! (Jul);
4th of July Race/Walk Demonstration : third year running! (Jul);
4th of July Weekend  E X T R A V A G A N Z A ! back-to-back-to-back demonstrations on main street (Jul);
KICK-A-RAMA SATURDAY! three demonstrations; raffle prizes (Jun);
Demonstration: Mt.Shasta Elementary School (Jun);
UC Taekwondo & Yongmudo Championships : three gold; four silver; four bronze ; “Best Male Competitor” (Apr);
Santa Cruz Taekwondo Open : gold, bronze (Mar);
Taekwondo Winter Promotion Exam (Mar);
Martial Arts for Adults @ the Dunsmuir CRC : New training program for adults (Feb);
2009 2nd MSMAP Open House & Food Drive : demos; food collection; raffle prizes (Dec);
Demonstrations: Mattole Valley Charter School (Dec), Mt. Shasta Elementary School (Sep), July 4 Race/Walk;
Taekwondo Summer Promotion Exam (Sep);
Yongmudo Seminar & Promotion Exam (Aug);
Fund Raiser at the Fish Hatchery (Aug);
Martial Arts Summer Camp (Jun);
UC Open Taekwondo Championships : two gold; one silver (May);
Tiny Tigers : popular new program for children begins! (May);
Self–Defense Workshop #2 (May/Jun);
Facility Improvement: New Floor! (Mar/Apr);
Facility Improvement: HEAT! Fixed heating unit (Jan);
2008 1st MSMAP Open House & Housewarming Party : five demos; food; raffle prizes
– New Martial Arts Center of Mount Shasta (MACMS);
Demonstrations: Lion’s Club, Mt. Shasta Elementary School, July 4 Race/Walk, Weed Carnivale;
UC Open Taekwondo Championships : 3 gold medals
Summer & Fall Taekwondo Promotion Examinations;
– Training at Mount Shasta Elementary School (Sep/Oct);
Self–Defense Workshop #1 (June/July);
Yongmudo added to curriculum;
– Created MSMAP web site;
New Head Instructor;
– Expanded hours;
2007 – Yongmudo Clinics by
   • UC Berkeley
   • St. Mary’s College
– UC Open Taekwondo Championships (one out of one first place finish)
2006 International Martial Arts Summer Camp (w/ UCMAP) at McCloud High School;
   • Two MSMAP members test for 1st degree black belt;
– Moved training location to Mount Shasta Physical Therapy and Wellness Center
2005 Taekwondo and Yongmudo Clinics by:
   • UC Berkeley (UCMAP)
   • The George Washington University (Washington, DC)
   • St. Mary’s College
2004 Initial discussions of hosting a Martial Arts Summer Camp with UC Berkeley.
2001 Mount Shasta Martial Arts founded by Dr. Peter Halt.
In The News
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PO BOX 1380 • MT SHASTA, CA 96067
530.859.2024 •
7th Open House & Holiday Food Drive: Dec 2014

Celebrate the holidays, MSMAP-style!
We invite you to attend our Seventh annual event in December 2014. Come see what we do and help make the holidays a little brighter for seniors in-need with the gift of food for the Senior Nutrition Program.

Jump Back Kick

Shorter Event, More Action
The senior ranks step up and offer the community some exciting martial arts action, loads of raffle prizes, and food for the seniors.
December 24, 2014; Mt. Shasta Area Newspapers

Yongmudo Throw

Ramping Up for a Holiday Tradition
Planning for a shorter, more action-packed event with lots of prizes and food for the seniors. Game on.
December 10, 2014; Mt. Shasta Area Newspapers

2013 Open House Action

More Creativity, More Heart-Pounding Action
Lots of participants, lots of raffle prizes, and lots of food for the Senior Nutrition Program.
December 25, 2013; Mt. Shasta Area Newspapers

Split Kicks

Getting Ready for New Things
We get ready to do more exciting stuff: jumping kicks, spinning kicks, higher dive rolls, lots more.
December 11, 2013; Mt. Shasta Area Newspapers

2012 Open House Action

Mission Accomplished: Our Best Event...Ever
The best demo, the most raffle prizes, and, most importantly, the most food ever collected for this annual holiday celebration.
December 26, 2012; Mt. Shasta Area Newspapers

2012 Open House Prep

Getting ready for our biggest event...ever
Our goal this year: the best event that we’ve ever done.
December 12, 2012; Mt. Shasta Area Newspapers

4th Open House & Holiday Food Drive

Highlights of our 4th annual event — lots of people, lots of food, lots of gifts. And, we get ready for our Winter Break Mini-Camps, a great way to burn off excess holiday energy. “With the large show of people and enthusiasm of the children, this is a great opportunity for service to the community.”
December 21, 2011; Mt. Shasta Area Newspapers

Preparing for the Yongmudo Demonstration

“We’re glad to help with our own special way of celebrating the holidays: Exciting martial arts action, giving away cool gifts, and, most importantly, helping to brighten the spirits of those less fortunate during this season of giving.”
December 07, 2011; Mt. Shasta Area Newspapers

3rd Open House & Food Drive Action

New Location, Bigger Action!
How much fun can children, teens, and adults have helping others in need during the holiday season?
December 29, 2010; Mt. Shasta Area Newspapers

2nd Open House & Food Drive Action

Bigger and Better
Our activity center expands to include local treasure, Nuria’s Dance Academy. We share demonstrations of dance and martial arts and hold our first, and very successful, food drive!
December 9, 2009; Mt. Shasta Area Newspapers

2008 Open House & Housewarming Party

The Start of a Holiday Tradition
We open our doors and welcome the community to our new, dedicated training facility — five demonstrations (three taekwondo, two yongmudo), food, prizes, and lots of energy.
November 9, 2008; Mt. Shasta Area Newspapers

Taekwondo is an exciting martial art that combines effective footwork and powerful kicking techniques into a dynamic system of sport and self-defense.

TKD Competition Info

Thrilling & Dramatic Action
Discover how taekwondo competition is one of the most fun and exciting activities for kids, teens, and adults. The variety of techniques, level of required skill, and amazing coordination combine to make a unique opportunity to test the skills.

UC Open: Spring 2015

Get Ready for Big Action!
“Tomorrow’s competition is won with today’s preparation.” Don’t wait: improve your sparring and forms — now — for a fun, exciting, and rewarding time in Spring 2015.

Yongmudo outside wrist throw

Yongmudo incorporates a variety of techniques including kicks, strikes, throws, jointlocks, submission wrestling into a comprehensive system of personal health & self-protection.

Yongmudo outside wrist throw

More Skills, Bigger Challenge
Yongmudo competitions allow people of beginning, intermediate, and advanced skill levels to test themselves against people of comparable abilities. Learn more about what’s required.

Yongmudo Championships: Oct 12, 2013

Get Ready for Action
We’re gearing up for the next UC Yongmudo Championships in Fall 2014. Test all your skills: kicks, throws, and wrestling.

2014 UC Open action!

Hi Yo, Silver!
Eight local youth bring back 11 medals including six silver medals. Lots of nail-biting at this competition.
May 28, 2014; Mt. Shasta Area Newspapers

2013 UC Open action!

More Gold in Forms
6 teens and pre-teens prepare together and it pays off with 10 medals including 3 gold in forms. “We rocked! Competition is a very, very fun learning experience.” Awesome.
May 22, 2013; Mt. Shasta Area Newspapers

Successful Throw!

One Teen, Three Martial Arts, Big Action
A busy day for local teen competing in yongmudo, taekwondo, and judo. “It was rad.”
November 21, 2012; Mt. Shasta Area Newspapers

2012 UC Open action!

13 Medals for Young Martial Artists!
8 children and 1 adult return from U.C. Berkley loaded with medals and memories of their competition experience; our biggest numbers...ever!
May 2, 2012; Mt. Shasta Area Newspapers

Groundwork action!

Kicks, Punches, Throws, & Wrestling
Two competitors return to Mt. Shasta with four medals and the award for “Best Male Competitor” for the second consecutive year.
October 26, 2011; Mt. Shasta Area Newspapers

UC Open Action (April 2011)

Excellent Effort, Excellent Fun, Excellent Results
Eight competitors from six families, ages 7 to 38, earn 11 medals with outstanding performances in both forms and sparring.
May 4, 2011; Mt. Shasta Area Newspapers

Medal Display from the 2010 UC Open

Big Weekend, Big Action!
The recap of an exciting weekend of taekwondo and yongmudo competitions at U.C. Berkeley—four gold, three silver, and four bronze medals. Who had more fun: the competitors or their families?
April 14, 2010; Mt. Shasta Area Newspapers

Siskiyou County winners in martial arts tournament

More Families, More Fun
Orion and Griffin win gold medals at their first tournament—a huge accomplishment at the west coast’s largest tournament at UC Berkeley.
June 10, 2009; Mt. Shasta Area Newspapers

Jump Back Kick

UC Davis Team Training
High-intensity training with an elite collegiate team!
April 15, 2015; Mt. Shasta Area Newspapers

Action, Food & Helping the Seniors

Food, Action, & Community Spirit
A huge spread of Korean cuisine, impressive demonstration, and $335 to support the seniors.
November 19, 2014; Mt. Shasta Area Newspapers

2014 Black Belt Exam

Meet Our Youngest Black Belt
Vitaliy shares what it takes to get a black belt: it's not easy. It takes lots and lots of hard work...and plenty of support from friends and family.
June 25, 2014; Mt. Shasta Area Newspapers

2014 Taekwondo Winter Promotion Exam

Be Ready for Anything!
23 children, teens, and adults met the challenge for their next rank — along with an added test of their judgement when facing the unexpected.
April 23, 2014; Mt. Shasta Area Newspapers

Looking forward to some great Korean food!

Food, Action, & Community Spirit
A huge spread of Korean cuisine, impressive taekwondo demonstration, and $300 to support the Senior Nutrition Program.
November 7, 2013; Mt. Shasta Area Newspapers

2013 Safe Dating 101 Preparation

Preparing for another workshop
We get ready for a self-defense workshop for teens, pre-teens, and their parents. Intend to offer a few ideas on what to do in a dating context.
July 3, 2013; Mt. Shasta Area Newspapers

2013 Taekwondo Winter Promotion Exam

Taking A Next Step
15 children took up the challenge to test for their next rank: beginning, intermediate, & advanced.
April 10, 2013; Mt. Shasta Area Newspapers

Check Presentation for Senior Nutrition Program

Food, Action, & Community Spirit
A huge spread of Korean cuisine, impressive taekwondo demonstration, and $275 raised for the Senior Nutrition Program.
October 17, 2012; Mt. Shasta Area Newspapers

Big Exam, Big Results!

Exciting Challenge for Young People
MSMAP holds its largest promotion exam and challenges 27 people to show what they know and do their best.
March 28, 2012; Mt. Shasta Area Newspapers

Groundwork action!

Kicks, Punches, Throws, & Wrestling
Two competitors return to Mt. Shasta with four medals and the award for “Best Male Competitor” for the second consecutive year.
October 26, 2011; Mt. Shasta Area Newspapers

Introductory Remarks -- chompin' at the bit for action!

Celebrating Chuseok (Korean Thanksgiving)
At City Park with the seniors starts the fall and winter holiday season off with authentic Korean food and cool taekwondo action.
September 28, 2011; Mt. Shasta Area Newspapers

2011 Martial Arts Mini-Camp

Summertime is still a great time for learning
The Mount Shasta Recreation & Parks District and MSMAP offered a great program to learn cool skills as area principals vouch for the benefits of healthy activities for children.
June 29, 2011; Mt. Shasta Area Newspapers

New MSMAP Black Belt

MSMAP’s New Black Belt
A comprehensive article on the positive results of martial arts training — in the studio, in school, in life.
February 2, 2011; Mt. Shasta Area Newspapers

Ribbon Cutting at our New/Current Location:

New Beginnings at a New Location
MSMAP holds a ribbon cutting ceremony in its new location and further explains its mission. The smiles on the faces of the kids say more than any words except maybe, “South County’s first stop for anti-bully strategies.”
October 27, 2010; Mt. Shasta Area Newspapers

Try-It-At-Lunch at MSE

“Try-It-At-Lunch” at MSE
MSMAP participates in a new program to help Mount Shasta Elementary educate children through taekwondo, fitness, and good manners at lunch time.
September 22, 2010; Mt. Shasta Area Newspapers

Axe-Kick/Board Break @ Kick-A-Rama Saturday

“Karate Kids” Show Their Skills
Demonstrations and raffle prizes (donated by local businesses) held in the Mount Shasta Shopping Center with the release of “The Karate Kid” movie.
June 23, 2010; Mt. Shasta Area Newspapers

MSMAP Promotion Exam

From White Belt to Pre-Black Belt
The impressions of several families about one of the largest promotion exams in MSMAP history.
March 10, 2010; Mt. Shasta Area Newspapers

Yongmudo Seminar Group

Getting Schooled, Yongmudo-style
Master Doug Kim and his family offer a full weekend of yongmudo training and testing. Summer training in Mt. Shasta: good stuff.

Master Kang demonstrates wrist throw

MSMAP hosted over 100 participants at McCloud High School for an incredible international martial arts summer camp in August 2006. Master instructors and Olympic medalists led training in taekwondo, yongmudo, judo, kumdo, and ssirum (Korean traditional wrestling).
August 16, 2006; Mt. Shasta Area Newspapers

Yongmudo outside wrist throw

Discover how our Tiny Tigers martial arts activity program helps plant the seeds of success with fun & energy.

Yongmudo outside wrist throw

Yongmudo incorporates a variety of techniques including kicks, strikes, throws, jointlocks, submission wrestling into a comprehensive system of personal health & self-protection.

Summer Mini-Camps

Join us for exciting martial arts action!
July 2013
Each summer, MSMAP and the Mt. Shasta Recreation & Parks District offer a unique program of taekwondo, yongmudo, and self-defense activities. Meet new friends. Learn safety skills. Have big fun.